About TeamViewer
MGH Advisory uses a tool called TeamViewer. It helps us offer remote support to our clients via computers. This tool allows us to see what is happening on your computer screen, assist you and resolve your technical issues. With TeamViewer, we can help you in a quick, efficient and user-friendly way!
TeamViewer is a safe program to use. As the client, you only have to initiate the remote control TeamViewer session and give us a special password (which changes every time a session is set up and used). You have complete control over the session and can end it at any time (e.g., if you don’t feel comfortable with continuing).
Using TeamViewer
Staff at MGH Advisory have been trained to use TeamViewer. They will assist you with getting started. You can always download this support tool from this location, but you might wish to save a copy in a location on your computer that you can remember.
General Tutorials
ATO Business Portal setup
Sending a .zip file to us via email
Video Tutorials from our Youtube channel
Banklink Tutorials
MYOB Essentials Tutorials
Essentials: the basics
Taxable Payments Reporting Setup
Importing Transactions (Commonwealth Bank focused but applicable to all other banks)